Justin J For CAA
I'm sorry, but anyone that doesn't vote for Justin next Tuesday has a very shortsighted vision of how CAA is supposed to work. Let me lay it out here for you. CAA has many distinct responsibilities:
1) Oversees Carolina Fever
2) Sports Marketing
3) Homecoming
4) Beat Dook Week
5) Hooker 5K
6) 3 on 3 in the Smith Center
7) Ticket Distribution
8) Do all of the above while staying in the small window of funds we are alloted by the Athletic Dept. and SGA.
Now considering that all these things are responsibilities overseen by the CAA President, let's take a look at how much of that Justin's opponent has in his platform. I see Homecoming, and Ticket Distribution. Not much mention of much else. Or how he intends to do these things. It basically reads as a laundry list of ideas. A short laundry list of ideas. Some are good, but also unrealistic, due to the above #8.
Justin has 2 years of experience on CAA Cabinet. Hayes has none. Cabinet is where you learn the issues, are able to see what really goes on behind the scenes, and learn about everything CAA is trying to accomplish. Now you'd think that an aspiring CAA President would come to these PUBLIC meetings, if for nothing else, to learn about how the organization is run...alas, that hasn't happened. You'd also think that an aspiring CAA President would go to a PUBLIC Hearing which could possibly have determined the structure or even overall existence of CAA...but that didn't quite happen either.
Now reading this "No line check" thing is somewhat insulting to my UNC fandom. I'd basically walk through a blizzard to get tickets, and it is proposed to make it so people have to make virtually no sacrifice other than waking up 30 minutes-hour earlier than usual? Along with that, the platform states that this number on the website will not be held accountable by CAA. So people already not showing up to pick up their tickets is one thing, now we're giving them even less of a guarantee of the time that they should awaken to get tickets? If CAA isn't to be held responsible for the number on the website (as it says in Hayes' proposed distribution policy) then why even put it up there at all? Let's just play the game of guess what time you should get down there, because the number obviously won't be updated in real time, and people will still awaken early, they just won't have to give as much effort to get tickets. Because in order to create a MORE exciting basketball atmosphere, it only makes sense to make it EASIER for students to get tickets. Ugh. Also, risers on both sides will NEVER happen. Too many fat cats down there who won't give up those first and second row seats, however nicely you ask. And that leaves probably 200-300 tickets available in the lower level for regular distribution, because while we get approx. 1,500 lower level seats, 800 of those would go to risers, 200 to Fever (maybe, who knows if it'd even exist, nothing in his platform a/b it), 130 to CAA (no plans to cut tix despite criticism), and around 100 to the band. Simple math says that regular students are left with 270 tickets in the lower level...makes a lot of sense to me. People like lower level seats...SEATS...and to cut them down by over 3/5 is alienating everyone who doesn't want to stand the whole game. There's a reason people turn risers down.
CAA is not a joke. Hayes and his campaign staff making it into one just absolutely turns me off to his entire campaign. I don't really know Hayes, he seems like a cool, nice guy, but he hasn't been there before, and Justin has, and has seen the problems CAA has endured. That's why he pledges to cut CAA tickets. That's why he's trying to streamline CAA and legitimize it. And that's why he's the man for the position. He should win by a large margin. He probably won't win big, because some people will get sucked in by jokes and unfeasible promises, but he still should win nonetheless. And you should vote for him. Young Dems and BSM think so, as will likely GPSF, Fever, AND the DTH. If he goes 5 for 5 in endorsements, there's a reason...it's that experience matters, as does knowing what you're talking about, and that's why he deserves your vote without much deliberation on February 8th. JUSTIN J FOR CAA!
1) Oversees Carolina Fever
2) Sports Marketing
3) Homecoming
4) Beat Dook Week
5) Hooker 5K
6) 3 on 3 in the Smith Center
7) Ticket Distribution
8) Do all of the above while staying in the small window of funds we are alloted by the Athletic Dept. and SGA.
Now considering that all these things are responsibilities overseen by the CAA President, let's take a look at how much of that Justin's opponent has in his platform. I see Homecoming, and Ticket Distribution. Not much mention of much else. Or how he intends to do these things. It basically reads as a laundry list of ideas. A short laundry list of ideas. Some are good, but also unrealistic, due to the above #8.
Justin has 2 years of experience on CAA Cabinet. Hayes has none. Cabinet is where you learn the issues, are able to see what really goes on behind the scenes, and learn about everything CAA is trying to accomplish. Now you'd think that an aspiring CAA President would come to these PUBLIC meetings, if for nothing else, to learn about how the organization is run...alas, that hasn't happened. You'd also think that an aspiring CAA President would go to a PUBLIC Hearing which could possibly have determined the structure or even overall existence of CAA...but that didn't quite happen either.
Now reading this "No line check" thing is somewhat insulting to my UNC fandom. I'd basically walk through a blizzard to get tickets, and it is proposed to make it so people have to make virtually no sacrifice other than waking up 30 minutes-hour earlier than usual? Along with that, the platform states that this number on the website will not be held accountable by CAA. So people already not showing up to pick up their tickets is one thing, now we're giving them even less of a guarantee of the time that they should awaken to get tickets? If CAA isn't to be held responsible for the number on the website (as it says in Hayes' proposed distribution policy) then why even put it up there at all? Let's just play the game of guess what time you should get down there, because the number obviously won't be updated in real time, and people will still awaken early, they just won't have to give as much effort to get tickets. Because in order to create a MORE exciting basketball atmosphere, it only makes sense to make it EASIER for students to get tickets. Ugh. Also, risers on both sides will NEVER happen. Too many fat cats down there who won't give up those first and second row seats, however nicely you ask. And that leaves probably 200-300 tickets available in the lower level for regular distribution, because while we get approx. 1,500 lower level seats, 800 of those would go to risers, 200 to Fever (maybe, who knows if it'd even exist, nothing in his platform a/b it), 130 to CAA (no plans to cut tix despite criticism), and around 100 to the band. Simple math says that regular students are left with 270 tickets in the lower level...makes a lot of sense to me. People like lower level seats...SEATS...and to cut them down by over 3/5 is alienating everyone who doesn't want to stand the whole game. There's a reason people turn risers down.
CAA is not a joke. Hayes and his campaign staff making it into one just absolutely turns me off to his entire campaign. I don't really know Hayes, he seems like a cool, nice guy, but he hasn't been there before, and Justin has, and has seen the problems CAA has endured. That's why he pledges to cut CAA tickets. That's why he's trying to streamline CAA and legitimize it. And that's why he's the man for the position. He should win by a large margin. He probably won't win big, because some people will get sucked in by jokes and unfeasible promises, but he still should win nonetheless. And you should vote for him. Young Dems and BSM think so, as will likely GPSF, Fever, AND the DTH. If he goes 5 for 5 in endorsements, there's a reason...it's that experience matters, as does knowing what you're talking about, and that's why he deserves your vote without much deliberation on February 8th. JUSTIN J FOR CAA!
Justin J is soooooooo sexy...
Justin clearly dominated -- he is the man.
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