Saturday, April 30, 2005

Yeah, Friday's great but...

I don't understand it...Saturday should also be a perfectly acceptable day for partying. However, people seem like it all has to end on Friday. I don't know if it's some sort of moat party mystique or something, but people devote Saturday during the day to studying, and Saturday night to rest. Rest for what!? The exam coming up on Sunday? Yeah, whatever. This brings me to a bigger point, and that's the expectations by students upon students at this school.

I'm expected to study all day today. If I tell someone that I'm not, it's procrastination. You have a good handle on the material? Doesn't matter, should be studying for another subject. People often forget that undergrad years are 4 years that we'll never be able to get back. So rather than spend all your free exam time studying, how about daring to go out on the night before a reading day. Dare to have fun during these next 10 days. Don't lock youself in a study prison and just succumb to the study demon. Have fun. Enjoy not having classes. Write that paper early so you can go out on Cinco De Mayo! Take study breaks to watch movies, to hang out with friends, or just to watch some crappy TV. Don't be a slave to college exam culture. It's amazing how much better you do the more relaxed you are. It won't just benefit you, it'll benefit your grades...just don't overdo it...


Blogger david said...

Amen! It'll be over long before you want it to be...

May 3, 2005 at 2:34 PM  

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