Sunday, May 01, 2005

Somewhere Out There

So I guess I've determined today is list day. This is a far more important list than my prior one. This is a list of qualities in the ONE. It reminds me of the song Somewhere Out There by Our Lady Peace, hence the somewhat cryptic yet pretty obvious undertone. Yes, the undertones are evident even in writing, especially here. But anyways, here you go, the list of traits that belong to my ONE.

1) She is beautiful. Not made up ready to go out beautiful. I'm talking about wearing a hoodie and sweats beautiful, you're proud to show off your girl, even when she says she's slummin it. And beautiful, obviously being subjective, beautiful to me...

2) She has amazing eyes. Color doesn't matter so much as depth. I just want to be able to gaze into them...bringing me to number 3.

3) She doesn't mind me gazing into her eyes. Cause she's doing it too.

4) She loves sports. Not to the degree I do, but I want to be able to watch a game with her, and she catches a missed pass interference call. Or she notes that the 5 needs to post up more. Or that Demarcus needs to make better runs up the far side. In short, she's near my level, but not on it. And she likes to play as well, or work out on some level.

5) She knows that romantic doesn't equal expensive. And that expensive doesn't equal romantic. And that one rose is far better and from the heart than 12.

6) Rather than cook for me, she wants to cook with me.

7) More often than not, I see a smile. A perfect one.

8) Loves music. All types (barring country). And singing. A girl that knows all the words to Get It On The Floor and isn't too afraid of being a "lady" to belt them out. A girl that harmonizes The General with me, and a girl that knows who Mr. Mojo Risin is...

9) Is aware of my undying love for all things Carolina. Ideally she is a Tar Heel, but if she's not, she knows that it comes before anything else for me.

10) Doesn't need nor does she like expensive clothes, shoes, or whatever to feel or look elegant. Also knows that I don't want nor need those things to impress me, so she doesn't try. Cause she already does...

Those are basically the 10 things that I'd ideally have in a woman. If you feel you fit the criteria, feel free to apply...


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